Friday, January 21, 2011

First Blog Ever...

So this is my first time ever posting on a blog...I hope I am doing this right!

Anywho...Thanks for setting this up Mar! I think this will be super fun and inspiring! I am so proud of all your efforts and I am so going to use that body check when I feel like I just need to stop.

I personally need a little inspiration today. I havent gone to the gym in two days because of work stuff and I am amazed at how quickly I lose my drive. If I am going every day for like 3 days, I want to go the next day no question, but the minute I stop even for a day, its like pulling teeth!

I plan to go to the gym today and go for a nice long run! I also need to go both days this weekend. I will report back on Monday and let you know how that all goes.

In other news, I booked my flight today, so its super official! I cant wait to come down there! My flight is getting in on Thursday night at 6:00PM and I am leaving on Sunday at 2:00PM.

Beth, have you found a good place to go run? Have you run outside at all? I actually had a thought that we should try to go for a run together and outside when I am home for Sarah's baby shower in March. Will you be around? I am coming back Friday night March 4th and leaving Sunday sometime. I know the shower will be Sat sometime, but maybe before or after that. I know it would still be cold, but hopefully less cold and maybe it would help to be with someone else.

Keep up the good work ladies!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mollie,

    That would be fun to run when you are here in march. lets plan on it. Mary suggested I just get a gym membership for a month or two. I think that is what I am going to do. I have been working out other wise. Doing crunches and stairs and weights for my arms.
